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What role might augmented reality play in the flooring industry?(SEO details at the end)

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Immersive technology

Immersive technology is revolutionizing the way people interact with the world. It has become increasingly popular in the past few years, especially with the peak of social media. With new applications being developed to make the user’s experience more realistic and engaging. It has been enhancing both our physical and metaphysical field of view

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Things like virtual reality (VR) where you can dive into a virtual dimension with the help of a virtual reality headset or VR headset and explore virtual worlds and interact with virtual objects. Some of the most popular types of VR headsets include the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR. Each of these headsets has its own unique features and can be used to create a more immersive experience. Another aspect of immersive technology is Augmented Reality (AR). Augmented Reality overlays digital information on the real world. In simpler words with augmented reality, you can add digital content to your real-world surroundings. It can be done through smartphones using ar filters or ar glasses. Most of us are already using Augmented Reality tech in some way or another but are unaware of it. The popular game Pokemon Go is a picture-perfect example of augmented reality that a large proportion of the world experienced, and with features like Snapchat lenses, Google Street View or Instagram-Minecraft filter Augmented Reality is more commonly used and is now recognized not just as high-tech stuff of the future but a reality of today.

Augmented Reality in the Flooring Industry

As the world becomes increasingly digital, businesses are looking for ways to use technology to create more immersive and engaging experiences for their customers. The interior decor and flooring industry is one of the many industries that have the potential to benefit from augmented reality (AR) and are already benefiting from it in some capacity. Although the texture and feel seem still a few years away which may one day be possible with Mixed reality (MR) viewing options like hardwood flooring, vinyl tile, stain resistant, and ceramic tiles in real-time can be a game changer.

Customer Perspective

Augmented Reality can provide a more immersive and interactive experience for customers when they are shopping for flooring to check various flooring options in a virtual environment. Augmented Reality can be used to provide customers with a realistic preview of what their new flooring will look like in their home or office space. AR technology allows them to make more informed decisions about their purchase and helps to ensure that they are happy with the final product. In addition, Augmented Reality can be used to create virtual showrooms that allow customers to explore different types of flooring and see how they would look in their own space. This can be a valuable tool for customers who are unsure about what type of flooring they want or who have limited time to visit physical showrooms. There are many potential benefits of augmented reality for the flooring industry, including improved customer satisfaction, increased sales, and reduced costs. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely that even more uses for Augmented Reality will be found in the flooring industry.

Company Perspective

Augmented Reality can also help businesses in the interior decor and flooring industry to train employees more effectively. For example, employees can use Augmented Reality to view how a certain type of flooring should be installed. This can help to reduce the amount of time and money that businesses spend on training employees. Overall, Augmented Reality has the potential to provide many benefits for businesses and customers in the interior decor and flooring industry.


The technology benefits both the consumer and the company by saving time, effort, and money both directly and indirectly. A majority of the bigger players not just in interior design and home decor but almost every field where applicable have already started using the technology and providing their users with an advanced experience. Just as cars replaced horse carriages and smartphones replaced telephones the faster companies are able to adapt to the new and advanced tech the better would be their chances of surviving the test of time and technology.

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Highest Searched Keywords (Reach 10k - 100k)

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General Keywords

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