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10 Marketing Automation Trends Entrepreneurs need to chase (SEO details at the end)

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Advent of Revolution

Around the advent of the 19th-century tragedy struck between the years, 1907 to 1917 thousands of people would lose their livelihoods. Horses, the then primary mode of transport was now being replaced by a sturdier, more reliable and efficient mode of transport; cars. This replacement, however, isn’t one-of-a-kind, the replacement of DVDs by streaming services, manual labour with machines, almost all materials with plastic, even letters with email and then social media, the list keeps getting bigger every day. The replacement of horses, however, took nearly a decade, which did give some businesses an opportunity to adapt and remodel. A luxury that we might not have today. We are witnessing some of 1 the replacements happening right in front of us and unfortunately, most of them are happening faster than our minds can wrap around it. As technology continues to evolve and advance, with automation software and artificial intelligence continuing to grow in popularity, most manual systems are being replaced by automated tech. Here is a guide to understanding the trends of marketing automation in 2022 and how to stay ahead of the curve.

Here are 10 marketing automation trends you need to incorporate into your business.

1. Integrations and workflow management: As marketing teams use a growing number of tools to manage their work, the ability to seamlessly integrate these tools will become increasingly important. Look for automation software that offers pre-built integrations with popular marketing tools, as well as the ability to create custom integrations.

2. More AI-powered features: Automation software is becoming more intelligent, with features that allow it to learn from past behaviour and make predictions about future outcomes. We expect this trend to continue in 2022, with more AI-powered features being added to automation software platforms.

3. Increased personalization: With automation software, marketers can now send highly personalized messages at scale. In 2022, we expect to see increased personalization across all types of automated communications, from email to push notifications.

4. Chatbot Integration: Businesses can avoid communicating with clients in a one-way manner and instead adopt conversational marketing.

Chatbots can have tailored dialogues with customers, they can even remain active after office hours continuously, allowing you to guarantee customer interaction. This can help filter, organize and even solve customer problems not just improving efficiency but also enhancing customer satisfaction.

5. Lifecycle Marketing: The goal of lifecycle marketing is to draw in, convert, and keep customers throughout their whole purchasing process. The customer lifecycle goes through awareness, engagement, evaluation, purchase, support, and loyalty. The consumer experience at each stage, should be taken into consideration in an ideal marketing plan.

6. Lead Scoring: Lead scoring is a way to rank leads based on their likelihood of conversion. This can be extremely helpful in prioritizing follow-ups and ensuring that your sales team is focusing on the most promising leads. 2

7. Drip Campaigns: Email marketing is another essential practice, Drip campaigns are a series of automated emails that are sent out over time to nurture leads and build relationships. You create them with the help of email marketing tools or email marketing softwares. They can be highly customized to fit the needs of your business and can be an extremely effective way to keep your leads engaged.

8. Omnichannel marketing experience: Increase sales from a variety of channels while delivering a consistent user experience, from e-commerce to in-store, with the help of data unification and automation. You may create a smooth user experience across a variety of marketing platforms with omnichannel marketing. To move data between sales and marketing, you might start by combining a CRM and marketing automation system. These solutions can help small and medium businesses significantly.

9. Reporting and Analytics: Most automation software comes with built-in reporting and analytics tools that give you insight into your campaigns and how they are performing. This data can be invaluable in fine-tuning your marketing strategy and ensuring you are getting the most out of your automation software.

10. Mobile-Centric Approach: More than 50% of all traffic worldwide comes from mobile devices, so it is important to optimize methods for mobile use. Marketing professionals need to develop appropriate mobile-base

d strategies to increase engagement and obtain value from customers. SMS marketing, push notifications, and in-app adverts are some of the primary tactics used in the mobile-first strategy.


The world of marketing automation software is ever-evolving and the key to staying ahead of the curve lies in remaining informed about the latest developments. it’s important for marketers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in order to remain competitive amidst today’s fast-paced digital landscape

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Search Query(Main Keyword)

Marketing Automation (1k - 10k)

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Supporting keyword

Automation (10k - 100k)

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The reason for using ‘automation’ as the supporting keyword and ‘marketing automation’ as the main keyword despite it having a greater search volume and low difficulty is that ‘automation’ ranking might increase the bounce rate of the blog due to less specificity and relevance to the topic.

Target Keywords Google Ads Keyword Planner recommendation:

marketing automation, email marketing tools, email marketing software, email marketing (1k - 10k)

Semrush recommendation: Automation marketing, automation, artificial intelligence, email marketing tools, email marketing software, email marketing

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